International Mobility

Come to Medellín, Colombia and get to know the variety of academic programs that UPB has to offer to all foreigners. 

We offer opportunities to all foreigners to have access to different aspects related to politics, economy, health, and the Colombian culture through UPB high quality academic experience.

Especialización virtual en Comunicación Digital

Innovation Entrepreneurship Ecosystem

Get immersed in the world of innovation in Medellín, Colombia

coffe immersion

Coffee Immersion

Learn about the different stages in the coffee production process.


Ethnology of Colombian indigenous people

Learn about the characterization of Colombian indigenous groups located in the Amazon.

public health

Public health

Learn how to integrate public health knowledge and health care policies with the social reality in Colombia.

conflict management

Conflict management

Understand the complexity of conflict situations that have, historically, arisen in Medellin.

Espex Winter

ESPEX winter courses - Español para extranjeros

Develop the communicative competence in Spanish and learn different aspects of the Colombian culture.


For further information, please contact

Circular 1 # 70 - 01
Building 9, office 217. Ecocampus Laureles.
Telephone number
(574) 448 83 88
Ext. 12000
Logo Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

Resolución 020198 del 31 de octubre de 2024 por un periodo de 8 años

Universidad sujeta a inspección y vigilancia por el Ministerio de Educación Nacional.
Otorgado por el Ministerio de Educación Nacional. Nit UPB: 890.902.922-6. Todos los derechos reservados