Ethnology of Colombian indigenous people 

The immersion program focuses on the characterization of Colombian indigenous groups located in the Amazon. It also aims to outstand the cultural and ancestral background knowledge of local groups as a way to promote peace in Colombia. 

The participants will take part in experiential field trip as a way to be fully immersed in this culture and to go grasp linguistic elements of the indegenous communities.


To acquire elements to compare and characterize different cultures within the Colombian culture.

Includes: Materials for woodcarving and knitting classes, transportation: river boat rides, academic support from experts, one meal per day.

weeks: course length

The program includes:

  • Contextualization of the immersion program in Bogotá
  • English classes delivered to the local indigenous people
  • Indigenous language classes for the participants
  • Wood carving classes and natural fiber knitting
  • Visits to Malocas (the place where the indigenous people carry out celebrations and dances)
  • Talks to Taitas Sabedores (the senior indigenous who have deep knowledge about medicinal plants)
  • Jungle hikes
  • Visits to Puerto Nariño and talks with the local people
  • Visits to Macedonia and talks with the local people
  • Tours around Medellín and some nearby towns

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Building 9, office 217. Ecocampus Laureles.
Telephone number
(574) 448 83 88
Ext. 12000
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Resolución 020198 del 31 de octubre de 2024 por un periodo de 8 años

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